Create Quotes
in Seconds!

Part Matching

Get the right part from the License Plate or VIN!

Supplier Integrated

See your costs, availability, and order!

Simple Scheduling

Schedule and route jobs with ease!

Website & Social Media Quoter

Allow customers to book jobs 24/7!

How can we help?

Professional, online help is just a click away! Our Customer Experience Managers are ready to assist you with all of your shop management needs. You are in good hands as our team all have extensive automtive glass repair and replacement experience.

Ed G. is here to help!

Let Ed G., your virtual assistant, get you the help or information you need!

eDG Learning Center

Available 24/7, pick from our extensive online video help library to get more from your eDirectGlass experience!

All sorts of features. All to help you grow.

Invoice Builder

Quickly build Quotes and Invoices with ease. Enter a VIN, License Plate, and let Ed G. do the rest! Reduce EDI and billing rejections by over 90%!

Customer Relationship Management

Communicate directly with your customer during and after their service. Manage referral programs and more!

Email and SMS

Communicate with your customers, technicians, and more by Email or text messaging.

Payment Center

Easily magange money owed to you, especially insuarance and network jobs.

AGRSS and AGSC Ready

All of the job safety data in one place included automated weather gathering conditions, electronic inspection, and more!

Real-time Reporting

Monitor your business in real-time with one of our many dashboard and report solutions. Get alerts as jobs are completed or issues come up and so much more!



eDirectGlass Customer Experience Managers know the automotive glass industry! From managing shops, installing or repairing glass, to dealing with insurance compaines and their networks, our combined industry knowledge is just a click away.


Your eDirectGlass account comes with the features and services you need to succeed, without paying extra! Our 20 years of devliering profitable add-on features for the industry cannot be beat!


eDirectGlass was the first company to offer a 100% Internet-based shop management and point-of-sale solution! From your mobile phone, to a tablet, and even the Tesla web browser, you can access your eDirectGlass acount from anywere, at any time!


No other company or solution can beat the power of the eDirectGlass GlassPartMatch system. Our advanced vehicle learning system collects, organizes, and matches the data necessary to provide all of the information you need to do the job right the first time, without any extra fees!


We have been using eDirectGlass for over 10 years and their customer service and features have allowed our shop to be profitable and the leader in our market.

Jessica Rich, Auto Glass America

Every automotive glass shop should be using eDirectGlass. Between their features and extraordinary customer support, our company can focus on providing our customers the very best service.

Gary Neves, NOVUS Glass Concord, CA

Automotive and Flat glass services and support in one package! We love the support and features eDirectGlass provides our shop.

Rick Rosar, Rapid Auto Glass


8553 E San Alberto Dr
Scottsdale, AZ 85258


+1 480-993-0915 (USA)
+1 450-977-2284 (Canada)

Our Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 06:00–17:30 (USA)
Monday-Friday: 09:00–17:30 (CAD)