eDirectGlass +1 480-993-0915 info@edirectglass.com
Customers aren’t buying software, they’re entering a relationship with a company that’s going to help them navigate the future of the industry and the technology that powers it.
From the start over 20 years ago, eDirectGlass has sought to change the automotive glass repair and replacement industry for the better through technology that builds stronger relationships. Between companies and their customers. Between CSR's and service/production teams. Between people who want to make a difference for a stronger industry for all.
When we come together, we unlock hidden potential. We unify people to help pursue their loftiest goals, solve their steep uphill challenges, and harness their success to make our industry as best as it can be, without compromise. We will always face difficulties, but through our relationships built on trust, respect, and mutual cooperation, we can face the future of what may come together.
8553 E San Alberto Dr
Scottsdale, AZ 85258
+1 480-993-0915 (USA)
+1 450-977-2284 (Canada)
Monday-Friday: 06:00–17:30 (USA)
Monday-Friday: 09:00–17:30 (CAD)